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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Reprise - 2006

Movie #148

4 stars

Close friends Erik (Espen Klouman-Høiner) and Phillip (Anders Danielsen Lie) each await news on their first novels. But when Phillip's book is published before Erik's, he's unprepared for fame and the obsessions and temptations it brings along with it. He eventually emerges from a nervous breakdown, only to discover that Erik has found literary success of his own.

Cast: Anders Danielsen Lie, Espen Klouman-Høiner, Viktoria Winge, Henrik Elvestad, Christian Rubeck, Odd Magnus Williamson, Rebekka Karijord, Henrik Mestad, Pål Stokka, Sigmund Sæverud

Director: Joachim Trier

Filming Location: Norway...mostly Oslo and some Paris

Like: The technique of flashbacks --- Within the first 5 minutes we learn that only Philip's book has been published and he is about to do a book reading. Then it cuts to 6 months later and Erik along with 4 other guys are driving. As Erik is walking through a building it is apparent that it is a mental institution. They all get in the car and start to drive off. The camera cuts from their faces to scenery shots. The camera shows a close up of what appears to be a scar on Philip's hand. Piece by piece we get a look into how those scars got there.

Like: Narrator --- not only his voice but the fact that he is unknown to the viewer. When we hear his voice it's not followed by is followed by intrigue. The viewer wants to know who this narrator is.

Like: The lack of music --- or should I there was no fear of silence. I think that so many times films overuse music. Silence is such a big part of this movie. I think that there are only 2 times in this film that there is non diagetic music. When there is silence, it not only forces the director to come up with good shots but it forces the actor to...act. Without music during high emotion scenes, the viewer focuses more on the actual film to produce an emotional effect.

Major Like: The song Deceptacon by Le Tigre that played during a party scene.

Dislike: I never really felt connected to the characters. I wanted to like Erik and I wanted to feel a little sorry for Philip but it never happened. It wasn't that the acting was bad...I actually think the actors did a pretty good's just that the script didn't allow for any connection.

Dislike: The flashbacks....flash forwards....and what-ifs reminded me a lot of lost. The only difference was that Lost was exciting and you don't want it to end. I was waiting for this film to end 45 minutes into it.
  • Sten Egil Dahl, the old writer in the movie, is based on Norwegian writer Tor Ulven. Ulven gave only one interview in his career, but is regarded as one of the most important writers in Norway during the eighties and nineties.
  • Anders Danielsen Lie (Philip) is the drummer in the Oslo band Virgo.
Overall Recommendation: It's worth watching...even if it's only for the cinematography

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